Editorial Services
Are you looking for any of these services?:
- Technical and feature writing.
- Copy editing.
- Proof-reading.
- Jargon-busting (plain English for the layman).
- Checking letters, emails and CVs for spelling and grammar.
- Clean-up of translations by non-native English speakers.
- Clear, comprehensible text for web sites.
We are experienced in:
- Writing engineering reports and tender documents.
- Writing feature articles.
- Territorial authority services and publications.
- Writing guidance notes for completion of official documents.
- Writing and editing instruction manuals.
- Magazine editing.
- Feature writing.
- Polishing written work for those who are not confident of their spelling and grammar.
Sarah Wale, our Editorial Consultant, is a writer, editor and proof-reader. She specialises in writing feature articles and editing technical documents, instruction manuals, information brochures, pamphlets and other publications in plain English, so that they are easily understood by the layman or those for whom English is not their first language.
She edits academic papers, theses and documents and specialises in those which have been written by non-native English speakers; bringing them up to the standard required by government, educational, industrial and commercial institutions. She also streamlined Building Consent and Resource Consent documentation by simplifying application forms and writing clear, concise guidance notes for those completing the forms.
In addition to editing web-based text, Sarah ensures that printed matter and web-based information are co-ordinated and that the same terminology is used in both.